What is Private Cloud?

Private cloud is a type of cloud architecture that delivers similar advantages to public cloud, including scalability and self-service, but through a proprietary architecture. Unlike public clouds, which deliver services to multiple organizations, a private cloud is dedicated to a single organization

Benefits of Private Cloud

A private cloud provides the same basic benefits of public cloud. These include self-service and scalability; multi-tenancy; the ability to provision machines; changing computing resources on-demand; and creating multiple machines for complex computing jobs, such as for big data, hadoop or HPC etc

Here are the first six steps you need to take to conceive, build and maintain a private cloud within your enterprise.

  • Decide what you want out of a cloud
  • Have realistic expectations of the journey -- and the cloud
  • Understand enterprise workloads and services
  • Get on the path to virtualization
  • Understand that standardization and automation go hand in hand
  • Finally, Decide on the tools required to establish the private cloud

Public and private cloud deployment models differ. Public clouds, such as those from Amazon Web Services or Google Compute Engine, share a computing infrastructure across different users, business units or businesses. However, these shared computing environments aren't suitable for all businesses, such as those with mission-critical workloads, security concerns, uptime requirements or management demands. Instead, these businesses can provision a portion of their existing data center as an on-premises or private cloud. As a result, private cloud is best for businesses or educational verticals with dynamic or unpredictable computing needs that require direct control over their environments. It is useful for academicians to experiment on applications or services such as big data, hadoop, programming on cloud etc. It is also useful in colleges and universities to lease out infrastructure as and when required for students for their purpose of project work or other academic interest. It is often seen that universities provide these kind of private cloud infrastructures so as students could develop their prototype projects when it comes to HPC, Grid, Hadoop, Analytics etc.

How we can assist you?

DuoTech Global can assist you to build your own private cloud infrastructure from scratch and also assist you to build syllabus with the latest technology. DuoTech Global also offers end to end consultancy services when it comes to establishing Private Cloud or Data Centers